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Sirius Care Plus Plan INCLUDING Accidental Damage
INTRODUCTIONThank You for purchasing a Sirius Care Plus Plan. We hope that Your Product will operate trouble free, however should it fail during theCare Plan Period please follow the procedure detailed in this document.DEFINITIONSThe words or expressions detailed below have the following meaning wherever they appear in this document in bold.• Administrator / We / Us / Our means UK Warranty Limited, Pacifica House, The Venter Building, Houghton le Spring,Durham, DH4 5RA.• Accidental Damage is the sudden unexpected and unintentional failure of your Product caused by damage,(excluding liquid damage, fire damage or malicious damage) that prevents your Product from meeting its designed function.• Callout means the attendance of an engineer to Your Home during normal working hours (9am – 5pm Monday to Friday).• Care Plan is this document and contains details of You and the Product.• Care Plan Period means the duration period noted on Your Care Plan.• Data Controller - Means UK Warranty Limited, who determines the purposes and means of processing Your personal data.• Home means the property situated in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or Isle of Man, detailed on Your Care Plan.• Mechanical or Electrical Failure means the actual and sudden mechanical or electrical failure which results in thesudden stoppage of the Product’s normal functions and which necessitates repair to resume those functions.• Sirius Care Plus – Means the brand of Your Care Plan.• Product means the domestic electrical equipment noted on Your Care Plan.• You / Your means the person named on the Care Plan.WHAT IS INCLUDEDIf Your Product suffers Mechanical or Electrical Failure, outside of the manufacturer’s guarantee period and Our sole customer servicesteam are not able to resolve the problem by telephone, We will, at Our sole discretion, decide whether to approve a repair.If a repair is approved, We will arrange for the repair to be carried out during normal working hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).In some instances, We may decide (at Our sole discretion) to replace Your Product. In either case, it will be subject to the terms andconditions below.If Your Product suffers Mechanical or Electrical Failure caused by Accidental Damage during the manufacturer parts and labourguarantee and for the duration of Your Care Plan Period and Our customer services team are not able to resolve the problem by telephone,We will, at Our sole discretion, decide whether to approve a repair. If a repair is approved, We will arrange for the repair to be carried outduring normal working hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). In some instances, We may decide (at Our sole discretion) to replace YourProduct. In either case, it will be subject to these terms and conditions.WHAT IS NOT INCLUDED• Callout charges where a fault cannot be found with the Product.• Consumable or auxiliary items e.g. batteries, leads or any accessories or peripherals that were not part of theoriginal Product offering at the time of purchase.• Use of the Product by anyone other than You or Your immediate family living at the Home.• Failure to comply with the manufacturer’s instructions for the care of the Product.• A Product installed in a commercial environment or where the level of use is deemed beyond normal domestic use.• A Product that does not meet the current electrical or gas regulations in force at the time.• Costs not authorised by the Administrator or its appointed engineers.• Faults relating to the installation of the Product.• Deliberate damage or neglect of the Product.• Rectifying maladjustment or incorrect configuration or setting of manual controls.• Damage caused by foreign objects or substances.• Faults known to You before commencement of cover under Your Care Plan.• Any work which relates to a manufacturer recall.• Repairs to damage of a cosmetic nature caused by but not limited to denting, scratching, chipping, staining,and rust or corrosion.• Routine maintenance of the Product supplies or service in Your Home.• Faults arising from the interruption, failure, disconnection or power surge in the power supply to Your Home howevercaused or due to inadequate ventilation of the Product.• Faults arising as a result of normal wear and tear (e.g. belts, fuses, seals).• Total loss of use of the Product due solely to the non-availability of replacement or substitute parts, in which caseWe shall offer a replacement Product or settlement based on a Product of equivalent or similar specification.• Consequential loss of any type.• The cost of a service call where no fault has been found.REPORTING A FAULTTo report a fault under Your Care Plan it is imperative that You contact the Administrator as soon as possible by telephoneon: 01234 245 900.Please have with You at the time of reporting the fault Your Care Plan number and details of the Product.
GENERAL CONDITIONSRepairs must only be undertaken if authorised by the Administrator.1. The Administrator will make reasonable attempts to obtain a suitable tradesman, provided that provision of service is not precludedby:a) Adverse weather conditions.b) Failure of the public transport system (including the road network) and repair thereto.c) Other circumstances preventing access to Your Home or otherwise making provision of repair impractical.2. We may be entitled to:a) Decline a repair if, in Our opinion, Your Home or services have not been maintained in a safe or serviceable condition.b) Decide on the most appropriate means of providing a repair or replacement, although We will take Your wishes into accountwhenever possible.c) Void the Care Plan in its entirety if any reckless or misleading misrepresentation or concealment of material facts is made byYou or anyone acting on Your behalf.3. You will be responsible for any Callout charges if having requested assistance, You are not at Home when the tradesman arrives,or a fault cannot be found with the Product.4. We will arrange to supply and fit replacement parts or components where required. If You request any additional work or replacementparts, You will be responsible for the additional cost. We are not responsible for any inconvenience, consequential loss, loss ordamage caused by delay in the supply of spare parts or components by manufacturers or their suppliers or agents.5. In the event that the parts for a Product are no longer available, or We deem the Product is beyond economical repair, We will baseOur settlement on the replacement cost of the same model or a similar model with similar specification at the time of the breakdown.6. If You or anyone else under this Care Plan acts in a false or dishonest manner in any way, Your Care Plan may not be valid, and Youmay lose all benefits under this Care Plan.7. If You move address, then You must inform the Administrator in writing or by telephone.8. Where We deem the Product to be beyond economical repair or make a financial settlement in lieu of the repair all benefits underthis Care Plan will cease.9. This Care Plan may be automatically cancelled if You submit information knowing it to be false, fraudulent or a misrepresentation10. This Care Plan will be automatically cancelled if We replace the Product.HOW TO MAKE A COMPLAINTWe hope you will be happy with your Sirius Care Plus Plan. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the handling of yourSirius Care Plus Plan we would encourage you, in the first instance to seek resolution by contacting us at:The Customer Services Manager, UK Warranty Limited, Pacifica House,The Venter Building, Houghton le Spring, Durham, DH4 5RA.Once your complaint has been received, We will:• We will acknowledge your complaint promptly.• We will contact you to discuss your complaint within 72 hours.• We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible.Following the complaints procedure does not affect Your right to take legal action.CHANGING YOUR MINDWe hope You will be happy with Your Care Plan, however, if after reading this document it does not meet with Your requirements or Youhave simply changed Your mind, please return this document to Us within 45 days of purchase. We will arrange to cancel Your CarePlan and You will be provided with a full refund subject to no repairs or replacements being recorded against the Care Plan.CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION RIGHTSYou may cancel Your Care Plan at any time after the initial 45 day “Changing Your Mind” period. Where You cancel after this period Youwill be provided with a refund subject to no repairs or replacements being recorded against the Care Plan.The refund will be calculated pro rata on the number of days remaining of Your Care Plan Period. To cancel Your Care Plan, pleasecontact Us.OUR PROMISE OF SERVICEIt is the intention to provide You the best possible service but if You do have any questions or concerns about this Care Plan pleasecontact the Customer Services Manager of the Administrator. The contact details are:The Customer Services Manager, UK Warranty Limited, Pacifica House, The Venter Building, Houghton le Spring, Durham, DH4 5RA.DURATION AND RENEWAL OF YOUR WARRANTY1. Your Care Plan begins on the ‘start date’ and continues until the ‘end date’, as specified in your Care Plan certificate (unlessterminated in accordance with these terms and conditions)2. Before Your Care Plan ends, We may email, call or write to You about renewing.3. If Your Care Plan period is 12 months and You pay by Direct Debit, each year Your Care Plan will automatically continue for anotheryear with a renewal, unless You inform us otherwise or Your Product no longer meets our age of Product or other criteria.Unless You have advised otherwise, the renewal fee will again be collected from Your specified bank account, to ensure You arealways protected.4. If You pay by any other means, You will need to make payment for Your Care Plan to continue.5. A cooling off period (lasting 14 days from renewal of the Care Plan or the day on which You receive your renewal documentation,whichever is the later) applies at the renewal of Your Care Plan.6. We reserve the right not to offer You a renewal on Your Care Plan.Please ensure Your Care Plan number is quoted in all correspondence to assist a quick and efficient response.
DATA PROTECTIONWe are the Data Controller for the data You provide to Us. We need to use Your data in order to arrange Your warranty andassociated products.You are obliged to provide information without which We will be unable to provide a service to You. Any personal informationprovided by You may be held by Us in relation to Your warranty cover. It may be used by Our relevant staff in making a decisionconcerning Your warranty and for the purpose of servicing Your cover and administering repairs.Information may be passed to loss adjusters, solicitors, insurers, reinsurers or other service providers for these purposes. Wemay obtain information about You from credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies and others to check Your creditstatus and identity. The agencies will record Our enquiries, which may be seen by other companies who make their own creditenquiries. If You provide false or inaccurate information and We suspect fraud, We will record this.We and other organisations may use these records to:a. Help make decisions on warranty proposals and vehicle repairs, for You and members of Your household.b. Trace debtors, recover debt, prevent fraud, and manage Your warranty cover.c. Check Your identity to prevent money laundering, unless You furnish Us with satisfactory proof of identity.We process all data in the UK but where We need to disclose data to parties outside the European Economic Area (EEA) We willtake reasonable steps to ensure the privacy of Your data. In order to protect Our legal position, We will retain Your data for aminimum of 7 years. We have a Data Protection regime in place to oversee the effective and secure processing of Your data.Under GDPR legislation, You can ask Us for a copy of the data We hold, have it corrected, sent to a third party or deleted (subjectto Our need to hold data for legal reasons). We will not make Your personal details available to any companies to use for theirown marketing purposes. If You wish to complain about how We have handled Your data, You can contact Us, and We willinvestigate the matter. If You are not satisfied with Our response or believe We are processing Your data incorrectly You cancomplain to the:Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF Tel: 0303 123 1113.RECOVERIES / SUBROGATIONWe reserve the right to take legal proceedings in Your name, at Our own expense and for Our own benefit, to recover any costsor damages We have paid out under this Care Plan to anyone else if You recover any costs or damages previously paid underthis Care Plan from any other party, such costs or damages must be immediately repaid to Us.ASSIGNMENTThis Care Plan is between and binding upon Us and You and Our/Your respective successors in title, but this Care Plan maynot otherwise be assigned by You without Our prior written consent.WAIVERIf We or You fail to exercise or enforce any rights conferred on them by this Care Plan, the failure to do so will not be deemedto be a waiver of such right, nor will it bar the exercise or enforcement of, such rights at any subsequent time.GOVERNING LAWThis Care Plan is governed by the law of England and Wales.THIRD PARTY RIGHTSUnless expressly stated, nothing in this Care Plan will create any rights in favour of any person pursuant to the Contracts (Rightsof Third Parties) Act 1999. This Condition does not affect any right or remedy, of any person, which exists or is availableotherwise than pursuant to that Act.
Retracare LimitedRetra House, St John’s Terrace, 1 Ampthill Street, Bedford MK42 9EYTel: 01234 245 900 / Email: V12020